JazzyBelle Unique Music Site

JazzyBelle was made by a group of friends. Every member of this crew loves music, and we'd like to share our favourites with you. We are going to show you the newest and hottest grooves, and we hope you'll enjoy this journey. JazzyBelle is not just a page, it's a lifestyle.


Dead but still animate

2010.09.19. 13:38 istvanpro

Hey guys! As you could probably realise, we are back from a looong and sweet summer break and are ready to bring you the coolest tracks from all over the scene. This will be my first post in the autumn, hopefully you'll like it! I think it's quite needless to introduce our next producer to the ones who are up to date in the progressive/electro scene. His appearance is quite unique: big ears on his big red head on which there are two huge, glowing eyes.

Further special peculiarities: playing awesome tracks while jumping on a stage.

Of course, it's the amazing Deadmau5!











Here are two quality new tracks from summer '10 by Deadmau5! Enjoy them!


Deadmau5 - Some Chords


Deadmau5 ft. Wolfgang Gartner - Animal Rights

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: animal summer electro 2010 progressive gartner some deadmau5 rights chords wolfgang

A bejegyzés trackback címe:



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